Physiotherapy, Exercise Therapy, Budapest, II. kerület (Locomotor rehabilitation) 12 clinics' services (87 Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor)
Description, questions
The purpose of the functional physiotherapy to help physiotherapy recovering disturbed for some reason, the natural movement pattern, align parts of the movement system with one another and idegrendszerünkkel and to remove spinal pain, back pain, lower back pain, neck pain.
Pasaréti Sportegészségügyi Centrum (PASAMED)
Naturopathic doctor Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor Acupuncturist Geneticist Homeopathic doctor Kinesiologist
1026 Budapest, Pasaréti út 11-13.
Orvosi kezelés
Dr.Fábri Ildikó fogszakorvos
Dentist Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor Orthodontist Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon
1027 Budapest, Vitéz u. 5-7. I. emelet 3/A.
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