Leg implantation, Budapest, II. kerület (Plastic surgery) 4 clinics' services (25 Plastic surgeon)
Description, questions
The hair removal with IPL is an ideal solution for those who want to make a thin, shapeless vádlijukat formássá, congenital problems, it may become unbalanced leg in a crash, injury due to conjure symmetrical again. The hair removal with IPL is well corrected calves implants.
ART MEDIC Plasztikai Sebészet
Dermatologist Internist Dentist Gastroenterologist Proctologist Plastic surgeon Dietetic Ear nose and throat specialist Allergist Vascular surgeon Orthodontist Geneticist Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Surgeon Heart surgeon Pulmonologist Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon Diabetologist
1026 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 107.
Ars Corporis - Dr. Rusz Zoltán
Budapest, Sziágyi Erzsébet fasor 3.
Vádliplasztika - orvosi szolgáltatás